Dr. O.B. Aliu ,the President of ICAO Council |
In a comprehensive
interview with the President of the International Civil Aviation Organisation
(ICAO) Council, Dr. Olumuyiwa Bernard Aliu shortly after his re-election bares
his mind on the past, the present and the future of global civil aviation.
You have been
elected to preside over the affairs of global civil aviation for another three
years by the council, how do you feel about this renewed responsibility?
I feel honoured. I feel privileged to be elected by the Council for
another three years and I look forward to the work we are going to do. And with
a lot of vigour, a lot of optimisms and hope, it will give us the opportunity
to continue what we have been doing and to consolidate some of the progress we
have made in the past few years and to address the dynamic challenges of the
Talking about the
challenges of the industry, how will you describe the last three years?
The last three years have been eventful to some extent. That is what is
expected in the aviation industry. It is a dynamic industry. If you recall, we have
a number of issues we did not anticipate, the MH370 incident, MH17, the Ebola
Virus, the Zika Virus. There are a number of issues that came up that created
emergency situation for us. What we were able to demonstrate is that ICAO can
be very responsive to these issues to address them and I am very pleased at the
collaboration that I have with ICAO Council and the global aviation community to
address some of those event.
Uniting Aviation has been the slogan of ICAO. If you
were to do an analysis, will you say we have done quite well with that?
industry is very united. All our 191
member states, the industry organisations, the civil societies. I have
collaborated with a quite well. The point to remember is the adoption recently
at our assembly of
the CORSIA. The global MBM scheme, the Market-Based Measure scheme that we adopted to address the challenges of
aviation emission. That is an unprecedented outcome. It is historic and it was
a challenging discussion that took place over number of years. It requires
unity of purpose and collaboration between the states, the industry and the
civil societies to get it accomplished. It is the first for any global sector.
The CORSIA is aimed at addressing the emissions in the international civil
That project, how well was it received?
was well received. If you know that any issues with respect to climate change
draw some contradictions which means social development. There is also the need
to ensure the growth of civil aviation. But also, to address the sustainability
of our operations for future generation. So, there were a number of concerns
but we were able to work through to
establish the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation
The Strategic objectives of the Council between
2014-2016 was about Safety, Air Navigation Capacity and Efficiency, Security
& Facilitation, Economic Development of Air Transport, and
Environmental Protection. How has the Council performed on these objectives and
how will you rate the success?
I think the Council has done very well in the circumstances that we have
worked. In respect to most of these strategic objectives. One of the key thing
we focused on is to ensure that No Country is Left Behind. That is a strategy
that was introduced under my leadership and it addresses this challenges of
safety, security and all the strategic objectives. I can tell you that the
accident rate in the world has dropped and it continues to drop. Even if you
look at Africa which use to have very high accident rate by 2015 we had no
fatalities. No fatal accident. There
were some accidents, about six of them accident but they were not fatal. This
is the result of the work we did and we are doing with our member states in
Africa, with the industry to address the aviation safety challenges to enhance
aviation safety oversight in the continent under the No Country Left Behind
initiative. With respect to aviation security, significant improvement has been
made. Yes, we have few incidents but you know that there are lot of people as
it has been mentioned severally that want to use aviation for nefarious
activities. Some of these issues were beyond our control but suffice to say
that we have taken rigorous steps to prevent such incidents occurrence in the
future. In the area of air navigation efficiency and capacity, this is in at
enhancing capacity at the airports, in the airspace management. Many of our
states are now working on all of these issues. There are expansions, projects
being done at the airports and for the air traffic management as well, because
we anticipate that in the next 15years aviation traffic will double. Right now,
we have 3 billion passengers there about. A little bit more than 3 billion
passengers travelling every year. It will increase to about 6 billion. We have
30 million flights annually, it will increase to 60 million. The import of that
is that we need to double our capacity. We need to ensure that we enhance our
efficiencies, so that there are no traffic delays. We reduce congestions. That is what that
strategic objectives aim at and a lot work is being done in this. We have
developed Global Air Navigational Plan that are being implemented regionally
and at the national level, to ensure the interoperable air operation of
aircraft. It is on the basis of all those activities that aviation is able to
undertake over 100, 000 commercial flights daily, convey more than 9 million
passengers everyday safely from one part of the world to another in a seamless
manner. Passengers on board the aircraft do not know these but a lot of
activities that is ongoing between the airport managers, the air traffic
control managers, the safety oversight people working together in a collective manner
to ensure the safety and efficiency of operations. In terms of economic
development of air transport, the focus has been on air transport
liberalisation of market access, of ownership and control in order to provide
the reliable services that passengers need. We have a programme under which we
are progressing on these issues. Also, to protect the interest of consumers,
the passengers that are travelling, that they receive the services which they
do pay. On the issue of environment, I have mentioned the decision we took in
respect to the market based measure, which is one of the elements in the basket
of measures we apply to address the aviation emissions and focus on aircraft
technology. For example, we reach agreement on a global standard for emission
standards for aircraft that will enter into operations starting from 2020. That
is another first, for any sector to set that standard. We are enhancing our air
traffic management operations to ensure that aircraft burn less fuel, they have
more direct routing. We are encouraging the use of sustainable alternative
fuels. In addition to all this is the Market-Based Measure which is been
acclaimed globally. I was recently in Marrakech at the 22nd Conference of the
Parties (COP 22) where I informed them of the decision we took. It was the
highlight of the meeting , the global acclamation and acceptance of the work we
have done in that area.
How will you rate the ‘No
Country Left Behind’?
is going on fine. It surpassed my own expectation. The whole world has clocked
to it. It has brought international civil aviation very close to our member
states particularly the developing states because, the tradition will set the
standards than we go about auditing the states that have implemented. The No
Country Left Behind expanded our responsibility to cover capacity building,
technical assistance to our member states to meet those standards. Not only are
we setting the standards and telling them hope they have not done well. Now we
are there to offer our hands of assistance to them to meet those requirements,
and many of the developing states have been very appreciative of this. This is
the job that is done keenly by ICAO but in collaboration we also encourage
relationship between the states to work bilaterally to support each other and with
other multilateral organisations to address this. During the last assembly, I
was pleased to hand out the first Council President’s certificate to acknowledge the progress that has
been achieved and fourteen (14) countries from all the regions of the world
received the acknowledgement from the Assembly for the progress that has been
made under the No Country Left Behind. The next situation of that will cover
not only regulatory issues but we want to support our states in developing the
aviation infrastructure, necessary to address the needs of today, also the
modernisation that is required over the next 15 years.
What will be the objectives for 2017- 2019?
the same strategic objectives. This is a dynamic industry and there will be
dynamic challenges. We have to be ready to address all of this. But like I
mentioned under the No Country Left Behind, the next situation in the next
three years; there will be a lot of focus on aviation infrastructure
development to assist our member states, whether it is for the airport, for air
navigational services, capacity building, to enhance regulatory oversight capacity
in the states, to provide them more training; training to meet the dynamic
changes in technology. New technology systems are going to be installed. Our
members have to be trained on this. There will be a lot of focus on that. I
also have indicated to the Council, we have to fast-track the development of a
global plan on aviation security. Recently, the UN Security Council adopted a
resolution to support ICAO in this effort to address aviation security. So,
aviation security has become part of global security. And at the national level
in every country, aviation security now must be seen as an integral part of
national security and address as such; because the security of every nation starts
right there at the airport. So, we want to work with our member states to work
with our member states to address aviation security. Whether it is in terms of
cyber security, landside security, the use of IEDs (Improvised Explosive
Device) against aviation; we are going to work with member states on this.
At the last Assembly, Carbon Offsetting and Reduction
Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) was adopted. How do you and the
council intend to drive the campaign and achieve maximum result?
is an issue that I am very proud of. It took a lot of my personal time to drive
the convergence of states to achieve that monumental result. Now it is the
issue of implementation and that is a significant work that we have to do. We
will be working with our member states to develop the monitoring review and
verification mechanism. We have been working with our member states to
establish registries to enhance that system. This is something new. It means
the states, ICAO have to establish registries. A lot of infrastructural
requirement for this. IT infrastructure systems going into this. We have. We
have discussed the improvement which we have to achieve for all the system
should be up and running by 2020. Some states have volunteered to participate
in the scheme covering about 86.5 per cent of our global international traffic.
Right there at the Assembly, they took those decisions, we expect more states
to come into the scheme. Although, there are some states that will be exempted
like landlocked developing countries, least develop countries and small islands
developing states for whom aviation is very important to their socio-economic
development, but may not have the resources to do. For those states, we will
continue to provide technical assistance and capacity building in order to
install the necessary system.
From a professional perspective, what is your take on
Nigeria airport concession?
it comes to airport management, there are different schemes all over the world.
There are airports that are owned by government, by states. The countries where
they are even owned by local government, by private interest where airports are
privatised. And there are countries where airports are concessioned. Every country has to review the different management
scheme in order to arrive at decision that suit its own particular situation.
What I can understand from the little that I have heard about this is that the
country is struggling with resources and it’s
looking for investors to come and invest. And airport
is part of aviation industry where there can be adequate return on investment
and you can actually get the interest of international investors to
participate. In any process like that, there are issues. There are labour
issues for example that need to be reviewed. I am confident that the government
in taking decisions will take into consideration all this issues. Airport
concession has been done successfully in other parts of the world. I do not see
why it should not be the situation in Nigeria if government does not have the
resources to continue to manage the airports on its own, when there are
competing priorities. The key thing is that you run airport as commercial venture
whether it is owned by government or privatise, corporatise or get
concessionaires to come and participate. Whatever it is, you can run airport as
commercial business and have adequate returns on investment. As far as we are
concerned, at ICAO we have offered our support to the government to say if they
need our assistance, we are ready to provide the necessary support in whatever
decision the government takes.
Are you impressed with Aviation reform in Nigeria?
a Nigerian, of course I pay particular attention to what is happening in
Nigeria. So I have been in contact with the Minister of State for Aviation, I
visited Nigeria, I spoke with the Minister of Transport. His excellency Mr.
President graciously granted me an audience and we discussed a number of issues.
I offered some areas of advice and I also extended the support of ICAO to support
the policies being developed, being implemented and the programme going
forward. What I can say is this, when you look at ICAO as an organisation under
the programme of No Country Left Behind initiative, we cannot do this on our
own. We need regional partners and as far as Africa is concern, Nigeria is our
partner and Nigeria is a Regional leader-politically, economically and in
aviation as well. So, we are interested in Nigeria being successful in aviation
sector and we will continue to work with the government to reposition the
industry- in as much as we are invited to support the process.
How will you advise Africa which is the last frontier
in economic development on how best it can use aviation as a catalyst to
develop the continent?
you look at growth aviation over the years for the past 70 years that ICAO has
been established, it mirrors exactly the global economic growth. There is a
strong correlation between aviation development and economic development. For
any country to develop economically, you must pay attention to aviation
development. It is a catalyst for socio-economic development, for expansion of
businesses, for providing connectivity to businesses and people with global
community. If you want to sell products, you want to move people, you want to
integrate cultures and cultural exchange, you have to pay particular attention
to aviation. In fact, we have spent the past three years trying to promote to
all our developing states the importance of aviation and to ask the government
to ensure that aviation development is at the core of National Development. It
is part and parcel of National Development. It should no longer be seen as some
see it as something for the elite. It is s mass transit system and without it
you cannot move your perishable products, you cannot move your people. So, my
advice to any government including Nigeria or Africa governments is that
aviation should be prioritise in their National Development and it is a
catalyst. The impact of aviation to the national economy is so huge, both in
terms of direct and indirect employment, investment. Over 54 per cent of global
tourism is conveyed by aviation. One third of the goods and services by value
is moved by aviation. All the countries that have made significant improvement
in their economy have very strong aviation industry.
Intra-connectivity within Africa airspace is not good
enough. What can they do differently?
intra-connectivity in Africa can do better. At a personal level, it is a
difficult subject for me to discuss, because I was one of those who negotiated
the Yamoussoukro Decision for Africa in the 90s. Unfortunately, that very
important liberalisation document has not been fully implemented. And it was
aimed to liberalise the movement of people in Africa. Although, there are some
constraints- a very difficult visa regimes, tax regimes that makes movement of
people to be difficult. It can be improved upon for its size as a continent.
Aviation in Africa can do better and Africa states can participate more equitably
in international air transport.
How can they do this?
should open up their market for movement among themselves first (among African
states), removal of barriers to free movement of goods and services and people.
It will become very attractive to Low Cost Carriers and it will bring the cost
of air travel down to the level of average income earners. And there is a
growing middle-class market in Africa that is waiting to be tapped.
Connectivity with the rest of the world is not possible without aviation. I am
aware that the African Union is working on this, to create a single air
transport market in Africa by 2017. But we are already at the end of 2016. ICAO
has extended support to the Africa states in this area. There are issues that
were of constraints before like the safety oversight, security oversight, development
of necessary workforce. Even in this regard, under our leadership, ICAO has
been working closely with the African Union address these issues. You may be
aware that we have specific programmes tailored to assist African states. We
have the AFI Comprehensive Implementation Plan for Aviation Safety in Africa to
assist all Africa member states to enhance the level of safety. We have a similar
programme to address the issue of aviation security and facilitation, which has
been adopted at the level of African Union. I have also established at the
level of ICAO the human resources development fund to assist African states to
improve on their workforce to prepare the necessary competencies to work in the
industry. Currently, we are in discussion with African Union to expand the
Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) to cover aviation. We
know the situation in Africa to remedy the situation. I have the fore knowledge
of this before because I have been closely involved with that, before becoming
the President of the Council.
How do you see the desire of Africa Union to adopt
Single passport for the continent?
passport that everybody carries, whether you travel by air or you just hold the
passport to cross land border, the standard specifications are determined by
ICAO. This is one of the responsibilities we assume on behalf of the international
community on behalf of United Nations. We developed the procedures for machine
readable travel document, which is the cap you see in your passport when you
travel. We have also developed the specification on the development of e-passport
with respect to the electronic passport. We have a number of states in Africa
that are issuing e-passport now, Nigeria is one of them. Nigeria is a member of
public directory, that is managed by ICAO. We have reached out to the African
Union that in the development of that African Union passport, they should
ensure that the passport is issued in a manner that meet the international
specification. Otherwise, the project will not succeed and we look forward to
support them in that regard.